View Full Version : Question about "Line Type" ... Please Help

Richard McCarthy
2004-10-25, 08:10 AM
G'day Gang! :)

I got a qustion that's been bugging me for a while now...
How do you make custom linetype such as Sewage Line / Waterpipe line which have these "S" and "W" in them ... what I mean is that can Revit do that? I can't seem to be able to do it...Revit only allow dash, dot and space only it seems... (well except doing it the hard way... using text tool and copy and paste to locations)
Any help would be much appreciated!!



2004-10-25, 08:17 AM
At the moment, you need to make a letter as a detail component and then use the repeating detail tool.

Hopefully thats going to change.

Richard McCarthy
2004-11-01, 12:45 PM
Thanks Beegee, I will try that..:)
But still....something like that should come standard right...? ......(AutoCAD have them.. I reckon we should have a tool to make lines as easy as that... better still include those in the library.. since it's international standard.. (I think?! :confused: ))
I mean how does EVERYONE do their locality plan or site plan??..