View Full Version : Setting DIMLDRBLK

2004-10-25, 02:32 PM
I'm writing a Lisp to setup a dimstyle and I'm having a problem setting the variable for "DIMLDRBLK." This is what I have:

(setvar "DIMEXE" 0.1800) ;Extension above dimension line
(setvar "DIMLDRBLK" "ClosedFilled") ;Leader block name
(setvar "DIMBLK1" "ClosedFilled") ;First arrow block name
(setvar "DIMBLK2" "ClosedFilled") ;Second arrow block name

After running it, I get:
Command: Block "ClosedFilled" not defined
; error: AutoCAD variable setting rejected: "DIMLDRBLK" "ClosedFilled"

I've tried a couple different variations of "ClosedFilled," like "closedfilled," "Closed Filled," Closed filled," etc. but none work.

I'm working in AutoCAD 2005

Todd MacKay

2004-10-25, 02:45 PM

From the help file:

Specifies the arrow type for leaders. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). For a list of arrowhead entries, see DIMBLK

DIMBLK lists these types for future refference:

"" closed filled

"_DOT" dot

"_DOTSMALL" dot small

"_DOTBLANK" dot blank

"_ORIGIN" origin indicator

"_ORIGIN2" origin indicator 2

"_OPEN" open

"_OPEN90" right angle

"_OPEN30" open 30

"_CLOSED" closed

"_SMALL" dot small blank

"_NONE" none

"_OBLIQUE" oblique

"_BOXFILLED" box filled


"_CLOSEDBLANK" closed blank

"_DATUMFILLED" datum triangle filled

"_DATUMBLANK" datum triangle

"_INTEGRAL" integral

"_ARCHTICK" architectural tick

2004-10-25, 03:07 PM
That makes sense now because when you type DIMLDRBLK to see what the current variable is set to, it gives you:

Enter new value for DIMLDRBLK, or . for default <"">:

Works perfectly now and I wouldn't be able to do it without your help!!

Thank you!