View Full Version : Printing Issue

2009-03-30, 09:35 PM
I am having an issue with a nested label in a family printing in a legend view. On all of the plot sheets the label prints correctly. There is another family in this legend view with the same nested family. There is no masking region in this family either. I have attached a screen shot of the family and a printout to show you all what's going on. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix this.


Jeff S.

Paul Monsef
2009-03-30, 10:47 PM
I am having an issue with a nested label in a family printing in a legend view. On all of the plot sheets the label prints correctly. There is another family in this legend view with the same nested family. There is no masking region in this family either. I have attached a screen shot of the family and a printout to show you all what's going on. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix this.


Jeff S.
Looks like a family issue, not an issue with the printing process. Upload the revit family and I am sure someone can take a look.

It probably has to do with the nested annotation family not being able to use the sample value (if it has one). - Without seing it, that's just a guess.

2009-03-31, 03:19 PM
Looks like a family issue, not an issue with the printing process. Upload the revit family and I am sure someone can take a look.

It probably has to do with the nested annotation family not being able to use the sample value (if it has one). - Without seing it, that's just a guess.

The issue was the legend view needed to be wireframe, not hidden.


Jeff S.