View Full Version : Converting two Parallel lines into one?

2009-03-31, 04:55 AM
Hey guys, I did a search but couldn't come up with an answer and I'm hoping against hope that someone can help me out and hopefully save me some time! (and in the last month of any architectural studies semester time is precious)

I would like to know if anyone knows how to average out 2 parallel lines into a single line. I've found myself in a bit of a pickle as I need to print out a randomly generated array of panels on a laser cutter. Although each of these panels share a common edge there is a gap between them, creating a set of parallel lines. This means the laser cutter will have to do a double pass and the shop boss won't let me cut it out without simplifying this.

All I can think of to do is to offset the individual lines by 10mm to meet in the middle and then trim and clean up the file but I have probably about 150 panels so this will take all night.

I'm thinking that I won't be able to avoid this but hopefully a wise man or woman knows a better way!

Thanks for your time guys.


PS I've uploaded the file in question so hopefully this will clarify the situation. Thanks again for any help you can give!

2009-03-31, 06:17 AM
Not sure if I understand exactly but you might try the express tool "OVERKILL" and play with the fuzz distance.

2009-03-31, 01:24 PM
Try this drawing. I assumed you don't have AutoCAD Map so I tried to fix it for you. I used the Mapclean command with the following actions and parameters: Delete Duplicates with a tolerance of 75 and Snap Clustered Nodes with a tolerance of 75. I'm not sure why I had to set the tolerance so high; I thought 30 would have worked but it didn't.

The Snap Clustered Nodes action moves many endpoints that are near each other to one location. I have no control over the location that it picks so the lines will have a slightly different angle than before. Lines that used to parallel probably or no longer.

Hope this helps.