View Full Version : Selecting an opening

2003-08-28, 03:11 PM

I'm busy creating a custom window family, the opening in the wall needs some adjustment but for some reason I'm unable to select it. Tabbing over it does not help all I can do is select the whole wall.

Any ideas?

2003-08-28, 03:13 PM
Try selecting it in a different view...or selecting everything and filtering the others out. If you select in a different view and then change to the "right" view it will stay selected.

2003-08-28, 03:27 PM
Hi Steve,

Thanks, for the advice, I tried all the different views but with no luck, also under the filter option I only get walls no option for the opening...?


2003-08-28, 03:36 PM
Can you post it so I could take a look...?

2003-08-28, 03:52 PM
Steve, do you think it might have any thing to do with that fact that I have two openings? I was planning on deleting the other but now I can't get back "into" it.

2003-08-28, 04:06 PM
Okay, opened it up and two clicks of the tab button displayed the opening cut...put your mouse over the edge of the window where my red arrow is and you should see the wall highlight, then tabbing twice should display opening cut in the bottom left corner of the Revit screen (where prompts are). The tip should also display if you have them enabled. Once you see the opening cut select by clicking.

You get the same result??

2003-08-28, 04:30 PM
Ahh! got it, I was looking straight through the thin gray line that appears when sellecting a cut, quite a bit different from the thicker gray line that usually appears. :?
Thanks for helping me out - I hate these silly little things that you just don't get when starting out but then the solution is so easy... part of the learning curve, I guess. I getting there, this is my second project in/on Revit the first was a 45sq ft Elevator Hall refurbishment, this one is a 7200sq ft multi level Art/Performance center. I'll be learning lots...so I'm realy glad you guys are here. :D