View Full Version : Fatal Error when adding casework tag

2009-04-03, 06:05 PM
Anyone have any ideas? i can't seem to get any answers...don't know if this is where i'm supposed to be posting this...but

So I've looked through the other fatal error threads, but I didn't really see the answer to this issue...I have casework tags throughout some plans, yet when I open another plan to place a casework tag, it lets me place it, but when I select it to move it, I get the fatal error message...anyone have any ideas?

2009-04-03, 06:12 PM
Do you have the 3GB switch active?
Do you have hardware acceleration on?

These can cause instability on some workstations.

Scott Womack
2009-04-04, 11:17 AM
Anyone have any ideas? i can't seem to get any answers...don't know if this is where i'm supposed to be posting this...but

So I've looked through the other fatal error threads, but I didn't really see the answer to this issue...I have casework tags throughout some plans, yet when I open another plan to place a casework tag, it lets me place it, but when I select it to move it, I get the fatal error message...anyone have any ideas?

What version of Revit are you using?
Are these casework plans dependent views?
Are you working on the view by going to the sheet, and activating the view?

2009-04-06, 04:12 PM
Do you have the 3GB switch active?
Do you have hardware acceleration on?

These can cause instability on some workstations.

I don't have hardware acceleration on, I know that...but I didn't see the 3GB switch...I'm in Revit 2009

2009-04-06, 04:20 PM
What version of Revit are you using?
Are these casework plans dependent views?
Are you working on the view by going to the sheet, and activating the view?

Like i mentioned above i am in 2008 and thank you for asking that question about the dependent views...because when i looked into it (i'm working off a model that some else built) and yes they are dependent views and i am able to place them on the overall plan in the actual view, not the sheets and it is working fine-no more crashing! I'm guessing this is where you were heading with these questions, but anyway thanks!

Scott Womack
2009-04-06, 05:40 PM
Yes, 2008 in particular had an issue with tags in a dependant view. The final answer was that you had to at least open the parent view in your session (even if you did not work in it) and this somehow kept the dependant views from crashing when tags were moved/altered, etc. Never did see an explaination of why.