View Full Version : What is the best way to make stairs and ramps?

2009-04-04, 05:42 AM
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I can never seem to make stairs or ramps properly. Everytime they end up being too short or too long even if I follow the help files etc. Perhaps it's because I don't have an accurate understanding of what each of the terms in the settings means...


2009-04-04, 06:23 AM
I guess the "too short" is usually for ramps... You just change the "Maximum Incline Length" and the "Ramp Max Slope" to 1 (it is 12) and I think it is enough...
For the stairs, I always use boundary and risers, and I calculate.... I need 3.00m high, the max riser should be 18 cm, so I need 17 risers but to make it more comfortable I will use 18 risers... Something like that, I never use the settings very much.

2009-04-06, 02:58 PM
When I need stairs, I first start the stair tool, then open the properties and set the upper and lower levels, and the required offsets. Then I scroll down to see how many risers it will take to go the required height. In the USA, risers must be between 6" and 7". Treads must be at least 11", and the sum of 2 risers and 1 tread must be between 23 and 26" (this is the default for the stair calculator settings for US versions of Revit).

So the properties will tell me the number of risers and the height of each riser, which I will verify is between 6 and 7 inches. In some cases I may try adding a riser if I need one more on a double-run stair to make it work out better.

Then I will either set the width of the stair I need, or I will leave it at the default 36" wide and just modify the width after sketching the stair. I also change the railing that the stair will use, because the default is almost never what I want.