View Full Version : Revit 7 Text and Spot Elevations

2004-10-26, 05:12 AM
Hi there,
converted our project from 6.1 to 7 and noticed a couple of things (so far :) ) first the text looks real ugly! it's like anti aliasing is turned off, how can I get my "good looking" text back?
second, Spot Elevations won't snap to stairs landing! this could not come at a worse time, I was just in the middle of putting spot elevations on my stairs...
any ideas?

2004-10-26, 05:38 AM
Maybe finish out this phase of your project in 6.1? Leave the little "dialing in" for when you don't have a deadline breathing down your neck

2004-10-26, 06:47 AM
mate, I would love to, but by the time this project is finished, Revit 9 will be out... :)

2004-10-26, 07:07 AM
I can't replicate any problem with either text or spot elevations when opening an old 6.1 file.

2004-10-27, 06:49 AM
Got it!
under options-> Graphics, just untick "Use overlay plains to improve display performance"
now my text looks good again :)