View Full Version : wall openings by void extrusion

2009-04-07, 09:56 PM
I sure hope Revit 2010 made improvements on wall openings. Since they are currently garbage, I'm trying to create a wall opening by a void extrusion. I've done this before and am not sure why I'm unable to now. When I create the mass, as a void extrusion, give it the proper dimensions. I get "This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut. They must be deleted, or solid geometry added and cut." I know this is simple, but what am I missing?
Thank You

2009-04-07, 10:01 PM
Why not do it as an in-place family instead of a mass? Then you can tell the void in the family to cut the wall.

Why are you not using the opening tool? Something other than a rectangular shape? Any reason why you're not editing the wall profile?

If it's an irregular shape, you could also create a wall-hosted family with the irregular-shaped void to cut the wall.

2009-04-07, 10:03 PM
I think your void needs to be hosted to something. When I create a new family for opening, I just used a wall based family template. Works for me...

Patricks comments are all valid, as well.

2009-04-07, 10:14 PM
After you finish the sketch be sure to use the "cut geometry" tool and pick both the void and the wall to be cut, not certian if it matters which order. There is also a check box in the Option Bar to allow it to cut multiple objects.

2009-04-07, 10:17 PM
Thanks all. I just did it with an in place family as suggested and it worked great.

2009-04-28, 12:19 AM
Thank you eric.p... Yours was the step I had been missing!

2009-05-04, 01:55 PM
Is there a benefit to using voids vs openings? I remember something from our training that you can only have one opening but many void extrusions...does it help model wise or memory wise?
