View Full Version : Wall Join Problems

Scott Hopkins
2003-08-28, 08:46 PM
I can't quite get a wall join to clean up correctly. I have tried all of the buttons (miter etc.) Any suggestions?

Allen Lacy
2003-08-28, 09:27 PM
I think that wraps for inserts (doors, windows) will only go as far as the centerline of the wall. As far as you other problem join, I assume that you have the layers all with the same layer function, ie finish 1, substate etc. If not, then walls won't join properly.

Scott Hopkins
2003-08-28, 09:33 PM
Well I answered part of my own question. I was able to clean up the wall join issue by playing around with the different wall types and creating a special wall type just for that location that had the appropriate assembly thickness and finishes to make everything connect correctly.

I am still however having trouble getting the metal siding material to wrap all the way back to the garage door. If it wasn’t clear the attached file is a plan view.

2003-08-28, 09:34 PM

Is is possible to wrap the wall finish layers the way you indicated at the garage door. The easiest way to do this is to edit the garage door type and change the property 'Wall Closure' from 'By host' to 'Exterior' (see image). This should do it. You can also set a property in the wall type to always wrap to the exterior, but this is probably overkill in your situation.

For the wall join, this case should work. Try selecting each wall in turn and touching the blue end control. This should clean up the overlap.

matt jezyk
autodesk revit

Scott Hopkins
2003-08-28, 09:50 PM

Thanks for the reply. I tried what you suggested, but as Allen mentioned it appears that at wall inserts, you can only get the exterior material to wrap as for as the centerline of the wall. Am I missing something?

2003-08-28, 10:05 PM

I misread your initial request.

To do what you want there, you need to define where you want to wrap to inside the family. To do this, open the garage door family file and draw a new ref plane aligned with the exterior side. Select the ref plane and set the 'Wall Closure' checkbox in the properties dialog. Make sure the other ref planes (center, etc) do not have the wall closure checkbox on. Save and reload family in project. Now set the door type wrapping property to Interior (to make the interior wall layers wrap to the plane you just defined). Does this work for you?

matt jezyk
autodesk revit

Scott Hopkins
2003-08-28, 10:32 PM

Good Tip!

I was unaware about the closure check box for reference planes. When I first revised the garage door family the wall layers came in overlapping and looking a little funny. I played around with the wall layer assignment hierarchy and got it looking halfway decent but still not perfect. I think however that if I just add some interior trim to the family (which in actuality would probably be there) everything will look just fine.

Thanks for your help.

2003-08-28, 10:50 PM
I was going to ask you about that earlier. What is the material that is wrapping from the exterior side of the wall in these images?

Scott Hopkins
2003-08-28, 11:12 PM
At present that wall is:

1/8" Corten steel plate over
1/2" furring strips over
Ice/water shield over
1/2" CDX Plywood over
5 1/2" wood studs.

Although the more I read about Corten (run-off staining, price, etc.) the more I am thinking of changing the material.

The other walls are simply stucco on wood studs.