View Full Version : Revit 2010 Quick Access Bar / Ribbon ?

2009-04-11, 08:27 AM
Can the size of the quick access bar be increased,unlocked and centered. Also can the ribbon bar be unlocked and centered ?
With a 30" screen it seems everything is confined to the top left corner, including my eyes.
The Quick Access bar is way to small on a screen this size. I feel if I could center these two bars it would be a lot more comfortable to use. Also is there any way to dock tool bars to sides ?

Brian Myers
2009-04-11, 10:36 PM
Sadly, the answer is going to be no to everything... but I agree, the extra flexibility would be greatly appreciated if put in place for future releases. :beer:

2009-04-12, 01:21 AM
I love the new "ribbon styles" it reminds so much of the side menus in cad when I first started. You know, the things that everyone wanted to just go away!!!!!

Unfortunately, what you want can not be done right now. However, submit a wish we do read them and act on them with the wishlist forums!!!!

2009-04-13, 02:39 PM
some illuminating tips on the 'QAT'