View Full Version : Column not responding to Level change

Bryan Thatcher
2009-04-13, 03:02 PM
This column is not responding when I change the levels. I created it from a general template and it also doesn't have top and bottom offsets. How can I fix this, thanks.

2009-04-13, 03:13 PM
I loaded the family into my project and it seems to work just fine. I wonder if your particular problem is related to the fact that the column is hosted to the second floor slab, instead of being hosted to a level?

Bryan Thatcher
2009-04-13, 03:29 PM
How do I change the host? Also How do I add the top and bottom offsets to the column I created like the stock columns? Thanks.

2009-04-13, 03:55 PM
See attached for changing host.

You already have a bottom offset in this family, except you call it Column Depth. For a top offset, you simply need to create another dimensional parameter like Column Depth, to control the extrusion dimension from the top reference plane.

On a side note, the top and bottom offset is not going to work like the ootb columns, because you used the wrong template to create your column. If you open an ootb column, you will see that there is a level 1 and level 2 in the family. This allows the column to automatically read the project's levels and associate itself to those levels. In your column family, you only have a level 1, so you have to manually adjust the height of your column depending on the elevation of the level above.

Bryan Thatcher
2009-04-13, 05:38 PM
I started with that template but ran into problems. I cant seem to lock the top of the column (drop panel) to the top offset plane instead of the top Level indicator. Any tips, thanks.

2009-04-13, 06:09 PM
See attached. i copy/pasted the object into the column family template. The top and bottom offsets are automatic parameters with the column family template, so you only have to attach the top of panel to level 2 and attach the bottom of column to level 1. It seems to work correctly on my end.

Bryan Thatcher
2009-04-14, 12:28 PM
I got it working but now I can't enter a negative value.

2009-04-14, 01:51 PM
Are you adding an offset parameter to the column family I posted above? You don't have to create your own offset parameter, as it is an automatic option with the column family.
In your thumbnail, it looks like you are trying to give a negative value to a dimension that can never be negative. Think of it this way... If the top of the column is 1'-0" above level 2, the dimension would read, 1'-0". If the top of the column is 1'-0" below level 2, the dimension would still read, 1'-0".