View Full Version : Demo & Proposed on same Plan

2009-04-16, 12:02 AM
Has anyone else out there tried showing demo and new on the same plan with any success? I'm recommending that users separate demo plans from proposed plans just because wall cleanups and dimensioning is too challenging with the phase filter set to Show All.

If we could underlay a demo plan this might be more manageable. We could underlay a dwg version of the demo plan. That's probably the best I can do right now.

2009-04-16, 01:27 AM
So you're treating demolition as a spearate phase? That's not what I'd do...if you demo as part of the New Construction phase, then you can also show new work together with demolition very easily. If you want to depict new construction say, with a dashed line representation, you could set a phase filter with New Work being overriden and then set the New Work override per your preferences.

If you still want to keep demolition and new work on separate phases, then your other option is to overlay 2 plan views with different phase settings & filters on the same sheet. This works pretty well but my preference would still be to treat demo and new work as occurring in the same phase.

2009-04-16, 01:47 PM
...because wall cleanups and dimensioning is too challenging with the phase filter set to Show All.

David, you are probably aware of this, but you might try the Disallow Join (right-click) option for walls that you don't want to automatically join/clean in these views.

2009-04-16, 04:19 PM
So you're treating demolition as a spearate phase?

No, this project has demo and new in the new construction phase.

if you demo as part of the New Construction phase, then you can also show new work together with demolition very easily.

They both show up, it's just not a very clean look. When demo walls and new walls overlap the new wall looks like an existing wall because the shading goes away. That's just one of the problems. See attached.

If you want to depict new construction say, with a dashed line representation, you could set a phase filter with New Work being overriden and then set the New Work override per your preferences.

New work is shaded, demo work is dashed.

If you still want to keep demolition and new work on separate phases, then your other option is to overlay 2 plan views with different phase settings & filters on the same sheet. This works pretty well but my preference would still be to treat demo and new work as occurring in the same phase.

I think If I did this, the plan above would have to be set to wireframe in order to see the plan below.

2009-04-16, 04:22 PM
David, you are probably aware of this, but you might try the Disallow Join (right-click) option for walls that you don't want to automatically join/clean in these views.

When the cleanup is a problem in the middle of a length of wall I find the user wants to split an existing wall and then use the method you described. I'd like to be able to cleanup a plan without having to split up parts of the existing structure for the sake of a better looking proposed plan.

Thanks guys for your input.

2009-04-16, 05:28 PM
Ahhhh I see now. I wasn't doubting you knew what you're doing, but I didn't understand the whole issue.

Trying to show 2 phases when elements are taking the place of previous elements is tricky! Which is probably why it's pretty much "industry standard" to show demo and new on separate plan views.

If I were doing this, I'd go with the 2 view approach. I think you would place the new view on the sheet first, followed by the demo view on top. Set the demo view to wireframe so it shows the shading of the new walls below. This would only work if the dashed line (which is the representation of demo walls) shows properly on top of the contnuous line of the new work, which I don't think works that way as the spaces between the dashes are no opaque.

2009-04-16, 05:50 PM
Here's an example. You have to set the cut lines of new work to the same light grey as the cut fill though.

2009-04-16, 06:14 PM
Thanks Dave, I tend to forget some things when I haven't done them in a while.