View Full Version : consolidating schedule quantities

2009-04-17, 03:05 PM
Is there an easy way to have all windows/doors of the same size show in 1 row on the schedule? I would rather show- count=3, type mark=14, rather than 3 seperate rows with 1-14 etc. Is that clear?
Thank You

2009-04-17, 03:48 PM
Have you experimented with the Sorting/Grouping tab and the Itemize Every Instance option? If you sort by Type Mark, and then deactivate the Itemize option, it will only show one row for each Type Mark. Activate the Footer option below the Sort By option and then you can get the count for each Type Mark.


2009-04-17, 03:56 PM
Very much appreciated MMates. That's exactly what I was looking for. Now if I could only figure out why some doors aren't showing on the schedule I'd be done. They are all in the same phase, (new construction) but, for whatever reason, I have 4 or 5 doors that are not in the schedule??

2009-04-17, 04:02 PM
hmmm... To be sure its not a phase issue, try setting the schedule's view property Phase Filter to None. Then check the individual door parameters to see if something is missing.