View Full Version : AU - Stump the Chump - Challenge

2004-10-26, 07:45 PM

Scott Brown (sbrown)/Steve Stafford - Team WATG
James Vandezande
Chris Zoog
Peoples Choice Chump??? (PCC)
Official Nominations - Peoples Choice Chump (alphabetical order)

Dick Barath
Wesley Benn
Scott Davis
Cathey Hadley
Hiroshi Jacobs
Phil Palmer
Wes Macaulay
Chris Yearick
Nominated and Declined

Aaron Rumple
Steve Shell
Abe Degnan
Mr. Spot
Dimitri Harvalias
Robert Witte (bclarch)
Dean Camlin
David Conant
Ladies and Gentlemen: Please submit your nominations/candidates for the 1st annual AU – Revit Stump the Chump (STC) event.

What is STC:

Reality game show where the audience challenges a panel of “Chumps” to solve “real world” design / documentation issues using Autodesk Revit

When/Where is STC:

All of this will be happening on the eve of Autodesk University - During the Autodesk Revit Mixer - November 29, 2004 from 7:30 - 9:30 PM at the MGM Grand Convention Center.

We need one more Chump, so submit your top 3 nominees (people going to AU) and on Election Day (Tuesday Nov. 2nd ) a poll will be posted all day long to vote from the list of nominees.

You are welcome to submit yourself and encouraged to actively campaign for votes. Post anything you want(within the guidelines of this forum) that will encourage people to vote for you or your guy/girl.

The winner will be crowned the “Peoples Choice Chump” and will compete along with our current panel of chumps, including James Vandezande, Chris Zoog, Scott Brown and Steve Stafford.

Nominations will be accepted until Monday Nov. 1st at 12:00pm(noon) EST,
We will try to verify the nominee's willingness to participate(you should do this prior to nominating someone)

Tuesday Morning(approx. 12:00am midnight EST) the poll will be created and voting will start and run through Tuesday 10:00pm EST)

Once all the Votes are in the winner will be posted sometime Wednesday.

Thank you for you participation in helping make this a great event!!!!

2004-10-26, 08:09 PM
aw heck, now I wish I was going to AU, so I could watch a 'dream team' of the Scotts, The Zoog, The Aaron, and the one and only Jim B. take on all comers... :D

"I got five bucks on The Zoog! Anyone give me 5-to-4 on Team SoCal!?!" ;-)

cool idea, sorry I'll miss it.

2004-10-26, 08:20 PM
Surely the Rumple, or the Inverness guy, who seems to have nothing better to do on these increasingly dark nights...

2004-10-26, 08:28 PM
I hereby nominate The Rumple. If he's gonna be there. And I'll put ten bucks on him to boot (it is Vegas, after all, and when in Rome... well Cesar's palace anyways... :) ).

2004-10-26, 09:16 PM
I'll put ten big Canadian dollars on Wes Macaulay. Chump Stumping is a national pastime here in Canada. :-)


2004-10-26, 09:39 PM
"The Rumble on the Pacific Rim!" California, Oregon, & Washington vs. BC. :P

Acutally, I live in S.F. and I shouldn't make jokes about anything 'rumbling'...

2004-10-26, 11:29 PM
So we have some nominations so far:

Aaron Rumble (declined - baby due) :beer:
Wes MaCaulay
Scott Davis (added 10/26/2004)
Come on there has to be more??? Off the top of my head, what about?

Cathey Hadley
Mel Persin
Dimitri Harvalias
Wesley Benn
Rhys Owen
Mike Gatzke
Dean Camlin
Clyne Curtis
What do you guys/gals think. Let's have some nominations!!!

2004-10-26, 11:33 PM
BeeGee and Mr. Spot

2004-10-26, 11:52 PM
BeeGee and Mr. Spot
I know beegee will not be there, Mr. Spot will you?

Danny Polkinhorn
2004-10-27, 12:03 AM
I nominate Scott Davis. Not stumpable.
I nominate someone from outside the US. Metric chumps.
I nominate a woman. Chick chumps.

2004-10-27, 12:24 AM
I nominate Scott Davis. Not stumpable.
I nominate someone from outside the US. Metric chumps. I second that motion - JB
I nominate a woman. Chick chumps. I second that motion - JB

Nice work DP!!!

Mr Spot
2004-10-27, 01:18 AM
I know beegee will not be there, Mr. Spot will you?
Would if i was able to. Sounds like a bit of fun...

2004-10-27, 01:37 AM
I nominate a woman. Chick chumps. I second that motion - JB

Do you REALLY want to go there? :-)

Just talking smack... The Red Sox are doing so well I'm feeling rather indestructible. Can anything really go wrong...
Hey it's only the top of the 5th...

2004-10-27, 02:38 AM
I'll have to humbly decline... We are expecting our first born the next day. My attendance would prompt: "What went to Vegas, stays in vegas...", from my wife. ;-)

2004-10-27, 03:34 AM
I'll have to humbly decline... We are expecting our first born the next day. My attendance would prompt: "What went to Vegas, stays in vegas...", from my wife. ;-)That is about the only acceptable excuse...congratulations!

2004-10-27, 06:08 AM
Let's get some nominations going... I nominate:

Cathey Hadley
Wesley Benn
Dean Camlin

(PeterJ if he were coming)

The nominations of the above mentioned are not an endorsement of the nominees. There were no campaign contributions collected.

2004-10-27, 06:12 AM
I'll have to humbly decline... We are expecting our first born the next day. My attendance would prompt: "What went to Vegas, stays in vegas...", from my wife. ;-)Ditto - congratulations.

Rumor has it, that if it's a boy you are going to name him Ronald Evan Itowski Rumple? ;)

Weak but it's late...

2004-10-27, 06:37 AM

Abe Degnan
Hiroshi Jacobs
Steve Shell

Jim, I took your earlier list as nominations.

Henry D
2004-10-27, 11:33 AM
sbrown and blarch!

2004-10-27, 12:06 PM
Let's get some nominations going... I nominate:

Cathey Hadley
Wesley Benn
Dean Camlin

(PeterJ if he were coming)

The nominations of the above mentioned are not an endorsement of the nominees. There were no campaign contributions collected.
I'm not coming but I think Phil Palmer is still working on attending and he woudl be a first class Metric entrant.

2004-10-27, 12:21 PM

Abe Degnan
Hiroshi Jacobs
Steve Shell

Jim, I took your earlier list as nominations.
Sorry but I won't be there!!

Maybe next year.

(Aww, shucks... thanks for the confidence!)

2004-10-27, 01:03 PM

Abe Degnan
Hiroshi Jacobs
Steve Shell

Jim, I took your earlier list as nominations.
Wow, I actually saw my name here! Thanks! However, even though I will be there, rooting for everybody and trying to stump them....I have to respectfully decline. Maybe in another year or so after learning how to schedule things better and when I have a better handle on some of the minor little things....like, parametric families.....LOL. (Heck, I stump myself everyday with my silly questions!!)
But, thank you Steve.
Steve Shell

2004-10-27, 02:33 PM
I'd like to nominate Dick Barath...

Wes Macaulay
2004-10-27, 03:41 PM
I would also nominate Dimitri Harvalias. And just so you know, we wouldn't be Metric chumps if it weren't for past Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. So now we have to work in both systems :banghead:

2004-10-27, 05:00 PM
See original post for current nominees and those that have declined. Great list so far.

Scott D Davis
2004-10-27, 05:49 PM
<dirty harry> go ahead, stump me...... chump!</dirty harry>

2004-10-27, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the nomination but since I am not attending AU I have to respectfully decline . (Not sure that I qualify as one of the Revit gurus either, just not afraid to offer my 2 cents at the drop of a hat. But that's a different issue altogether. :) )

Wes Macaulay
2004-10-27, 06:19 PM
I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with Revit Guru as a handle either since there's a lot of, um, expectations that get placed upon you to have all the answers! I'm just one of those people who wants all the answers, and being on this forum means I'm learning on a regular basis.

From the rest of you, of course!

2004-10-27, 06:58 PM
Maybe it's because he's quieter than in the past but I'm surprised Chris Yearick has not been mentioned too, yet...now he has. Now, are you coming Chris?

2004-10-27, 07:34 PM
(PeterJ if he were coming)

The nominations of the above mentioned are not an endorsement of the nominees. There were no campaign contributions collected.
Did you forget JB Jr's college fund? Or that well stuffed brown paper bag, Jim?

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-10-27, 08:11 PM
Although I appreciate the endorsement, I'm not sure if I want to fly solo on this one. Maybe I can hook up with Wes and all the other 'north of the border' types to form Team Canada. We can all wear toques, carry hockey sticks and drink 'real' beer while we answer questions.

2004-10-27, 09:24 PM
Did you forget JB Jr's college fund? Or that well stuffed brown paper bag, Jim?

Dean Camlin
2004-10-27, 09:51 PM
Jim, thanks for the vote of confidence, but my plane may not arrive by then. I'm going to try to go standby for an earlier flight, but as of now I'm due to arrive in Vegas that night at 10 pm.

I'm pretty sure I'd qualify as a chump anyway. I'll sure cheer youze guyz & galz on tho.

. . . uhm, what I meant to say was, I'm sure I'd feel like a true chump when I got stumped!

Cathy Hadley
2004-10-27, 11:45 PM
I'd like to hear a little more about game format.... before submitting myself to public humiliation... Are we all forming one panel and the audience tries to stump the panel? or is it... some kind of Chump against Chump ? College bowl kinda thang?

Tho... representing the *chicks* has its appeal....


2004-10-28, 12:11 AM
The idea is that the audience will share a "real world" issue that they don't think can be solved in Revit. A "Chump" will volunteer to solve it and will have a predetermined amount of time to work out a reasonable solution while the next question is asked of another "Chump". There will be a group of coaches as well that can assist the chumps.

Is that what you were looking for?

Cathy Hadley
2004-10-28, 12:36 AM
Yuppers... works for me. ;)

2004-10-28, 12:42 AM
Tho... representing the *chicks* has its appeal....

You go girl. I'll cheer you on...

2004-10-28, 07:42 AM
What about that Rendering Legend, Skisouth?
John Mc

2004-10-28, 12:20 PM
What about that Rendering Legend, Skisouth?
John Mc
As well as Stunt Monkey?

2004-10-28, 12:41 PM
I think we should add 'Steve Stafford' to the list. How about it Steve?

2004-10-28, 02:00 PM
I think we should add 'Steve Stafford' to the list. How about it Steve?Agreed!!!!

2004-10-28, 02:31 PM
Here are my nominations after viewing the updated list: (not in any order)

Steve Stafford
David Conant (would be fun to see him at work!)

David Conant
2004-10-28, 02:59 PM
I will be at AU, but I don't think I will be there for Monday's festivities. As much as I appreciate your support, being home with the family beats out hanging around Vegas for 3 days waiting for my scheduled class session. I need to spend my travel dollars wisely, and those family time dollars are particularly valuable.;)

2004-10-28, 03:06 PM
Awe, come on David.....I double dawg dare ya!!
Steve Shell

2004-10-28, 03:40 PM
...the audience will share a "real world" issue that they don't think can be solved in Revit...

Now that's a challenge!


2004-10-28, 04:23 PM
I think we should add 'Steve Stafford' to the list. How about it Steve?Point of clarification - This is for the "Peoples Choice Chump" (PCC). Mr Stafford already has a seat at the table.

Scott Brown (sbrown)/Steve Stafford - Team WATG
James Vandezande
Chris Zoog

Peoples Choice Chump

2004-10-29, 12:51 PM
Ok AUGI members only one weekend left!!! Please review view the list of nominees and start slingin' mud!! Lets review the number of posts each nominee has made(how is their record, have they showed up to vote in other polls?? Have they flip flopped on the UI, Have they sent thier forces into battle without proper training. We need a candidate that can stare down the audience and say "I have a solution" None of this, I was for Revit before I was against it...

2004-11-01, 01:11 PM
Today is the last day for nominations. Tomorrow we'll see you at the polls.

2004-11-02, 02:39 AM

Abe Degnan
Hiroshi Jacobs
Steve Shell

Steve, wow that's very nice of you to nominate me! I was very surprised to see my name on the list, since I'm not really a regular here.

Unfortunately, I will not be attending AU this year, I'm still a grunt here at Oculus...

I'm sure the other nominees would put me to shame anyway :-)
