View Full Version : Web tutorial 7.0 PDF download difficulties

2004-10-26, 08:13 PM
I have tried several times to download the 7.0 PDF tutorials. They seem incomplete in that the Pages option shows each page blank. When I attempt to save the PDF file the action freezes up and the hour glass is present, but there is no indication that web activity is ocurring.

I am running Windows XP Pro and have the latest Acrobat Pro 6.0.

Things worked quite well in 6.1 but after downloading 7.0 I started having these difficulties.

2004-10-26, 09:06 PM
I just tested several of the links and they do appear to be working. I think I know what's happening. When the pdf first loads on your system, the first few pages display and the others appear blank. This is because they are still loading in the background. This happened with me also.

Try minimizing the pdf for a minute. When you maximize, the remaining pages should display fine. If you can't go to the last page, simply be patient and wait for the rest of the data to download.

Let me know if you continue to have problems with this.


2004-10-26, 11:38 PM
I finally got them to load but the problem of partial display was not an issue. What did not display are the images in the page option on the left of the Acrobat window. These are the thumbnails of the current and surrounding pages, allowing you to navigate quickly within a ten page, or so, area.

At first, following the same procedure, I was not able to save. Perhaps the problem was corrected on your end. When I finally did open the document, after a successful save, the problem of the "pages" was corrected.

Long story short. I am happy to have them downloaded.



2004-10-26, 11:42 PM
I don't like that background downloader of Reader 6. It's more reliable to save the link and open the file from disk.