View Full Version : Reloading Purged Items

2009-04-20, 04:20 PM
I loaded a furniture bed family and used the queen size. Then I purged the remaider of the items, but no I need a king size. I am not able to reload all of the other items since I still I have queen bed in plan.

What is the easiest way to deal with this? I was thinking that I could just open a blank file and load the king size in and then cut and paste into project. Is there any other way?


2009-04-20, 05:20 PM
are both the king and queen in the same family?

if so, just reload the original family again

2009-04-20, 05:36 PM
What does the presence of the queen size bed have to do with no being able to load the king size?

2009-04-20, 05:46 PM
We loaded the standard bed and used one of the sizes (queen). Then I purged all the items so it removed all the sizes excep the queen size. I tried to reload the family, but there was still only the queen. Am I reloading the family incorrectly? I ried picking load after selecting component and I also tried the file, load family option. When I do this, the only option I have is the original bed that I used.

2009-04-20, 06:23 PM
We loaded the standard bed and used one of the sizes (queen). Then I purged all the items so it removed all the sizes excep the queen size. I tried to reload the family, but there was still only the queen. Am I reloading the family incorrectly? I ried picking load after selecting component and I also tried the file, load family option. When I do this, the only option I have is the original bed that I used.

Under the project browser, go to families. Then locate your bed family. Right click on it and tell it to reload. It will pop up the load screen with the location of where the original family came from. It should be highlighted and just click open or reload. All type's of this family will then be loaded back into the project.

Hope this helps.

Jeff S.

2009-04-20, 06:25 PM
I get the same results that sroy describes.

jsteinhauer, I tried your method and still did not get the rest of the types to load back into the project. Is this a bug, or are we doing something incorrectly?

Scott Womack
2009-04-20, 07:22 PM
jsteinhauer, I tried your method and still did not get the rest of the types to load back into the project. Is this a bug, or are we doing something incorrectly?

Personally, I think of it as a bug, but here are a couple of the work-rounds. This primarily occurs when the type set in the family when it ewas save is one of the types remaining in your project. It then does not want to reload the other remaining types into the project.
1) Check out the family itself, from the Worksets dialog box manually, then tell the family to reload. This works some of the time.
2) Load the family into the family editor, and then "push" it up into the project.(This seems to work in every instance)
3) In your families, Create a Default, or dummy type, and make sure that is the type active when you save the family. This type will get purged out of your project, but because it is what is set, it should allow a simply reloading to get the additional types into your project.

2009-04-21, 01:40 PM
How about: renaming Bed to Bed0, loading Bed.rfa, selecting all Bed0:King and changing them to Bed:King, deleting Bed0?

Scott Womack
2009-04-21, 05:18 PM
That has worked for me about 90 to 95% of the time.

2009-04-21, 07:35 PM
That has worked for me about 90 to 95% of the time.

You mean, what I wrote?

Anyway, repeat the process for the hundreds of Families & Types in a projects after a Purge Unused. Yecch.

Would be better if Revit worked in a more obvious and useful manner in this regard. (Is it the same in 2010?) It keeps a wise project team from doing Purge Unused much, thus not keeping their RVT as light as possible.