View Full Version : Wall wrap behaviour at inserts

2003-08-29, 08:27 AM
The majority of the work I do at present uses cavity construction masonry walls and I either use a proprietary plastic cavity closer or a cut block and insulated DPC to close the cavity. Nothing clever there and no doubt it's a construction many of you are familiar with. The damn walls never behave quite right if I set them to wrap at inserts.

I know that it should be possible to use a reference plane in my model to determine the closure. Could someone please show me how I do it as I am stumbling over this item in the help files.

Right now I use filled regions or edit cut profile, either of which with multiple windows can become time consuming.


2003-08-29, 09:27 AM
I work extensively with multi-component wall types & up till now have not experienced any problems concerning wraps. If you could send me an example of what you want it too look like, I could play around with it for you. Most times you have to play around with the wraps in the wall type as well as the wall closure in window types.

2003-08-29, 11:07 AM
The attached shows the kind of thing that is occurring.

In this particular wall window combination I have it set to no wrap. If I fool around with the wrap control either 'interior' or 'exterior' produce odd results.


I have removed the attachments. If anyone needs them let me know and I will email. Ther were Fosberry window.rfa and cavity closure.rvt

2003-08-29, 02:36 PM
I have a small work around. The plaster up to the window frame I add to my window family type either as a sweep or extrude. the problem is it leaves a division line at intersection of the plaster of the wall. which I decided is no biggy. The extra Thermabate I tested. If you place the profile along the window family (again sweep or extrude & add a material parameter. it cuts into the wall no prob. Plus I added an inset parameter, to place it correctly along any wall thickness
& then simply add a solid fill surface and cut pattern material to it in my project. I have a working model if you need it! :D

Nic M.
2003-08-29, 02:36 PM
Here you go

- replace the "opening" of the window family - void cut
- set the wall closure of the window family to the correct ref plane

In the drawing set the wall closure to "interior"
in the window type set the wall closure to "by host" ore interior


2003-08-29, 03:02 PM
OK I have this and a response from Autodesk support so I can see I will have a full weekend.

Many thanks
