View Full Version : Block problem between 2008 and older versions

Jonathan Pitt
2009-04-21, 11:29 AM
Hi, I have just come across a problem with a drawing I have produced on 2008LT when viewing it in earlier versions (2007 and 2004LT)

I have created a block within a drawing and then modified it a number of times. For arguments sake, lets say a rectangle which has changed size a few times.

I have saved the drawing, purged it etc so there should be nothing hanging around which shouldn't be there.

When a colleague has opened the drawing in 2007 she can see all the different versions of the block overlapping each other. All of them seem to be saved as a new block together without a name. Once exploded all the separate versions can be deleted one by one.

Anyone come across this before, and is there a solution. Hopefully not so it gives me some more ammunition to management to get us all using the same version of Autocad!

Cheers for any help.


2009-04-21, 12:45 PM
If the original blocks are annotative, look into the Savefidelity system variable.

Jonathan Pitt
2009-04-21, 12:56 PM
Ahh, yup, thats sorted it, cheers.