View Full Version : keynotes in 2005

2004-10-26, 10:26 PM
We are using Architectural Desktop 3.3 I'm trying to convince management to upgrade. I'm hoping to find out that the keynote features available only in the Detailer of 3.3 (which uses only single drawing interface), has been incorporated into the latest version. Our office is interested in a key note database, whether it be by spec section or CSI division. They are reluctant to use that feature in 3.3. because of the single drawing interface, default font and inability to create a "bubble" around the key note. You should see what some of my co-workers are doing. Creating an xref for each key note, creating an xref for each CSI division and then x-clipping each line for a cut and paste note strip. Surely ACAD has incorporated into it's newer versions the ability to keynote from a database with on the fly option for key note or full text and the ability to create your own tag using your own fonts. Can anyone tell me if this is true and if possible, direct me to literature on this subject.


2004-10-26, 11:36 PM
Yes, Keynotes and Details were completely rewritten for ADT 2005. They work with multiple drawings, multiple keynote databases, update the text automatically, etc.

I think they will do what you want (but then, of course, I'm biased :-)

The regular ADT 2005 newsgroup will probably get you more opinions from other users.

Good luck.

Jim Awe
Autodesk, Inc.