View Full Version : Demolition Question

2009-04-22, 06:49 AM
I'm doing an alterations and additions project that requires me to take the external skin off a 270 double brick wall but leave the internal brickwork intact.

What is the best way to achive this in revit? Do i have to make that section of wall out of 2 x 110 brick, so that i can demolish 1 skin and leave the other or is there a smarter, simpler way to do this?

Scott Womack
2009-04-22, 10:21 AM
I'm doing an alterations and additions project that requires me to take the external skin off a 270 double brick wall but leave the internal brickwork intact.

What is the best way to achive this in revit? Do i have to make that section of wall out of 2 x 110 brick, so that i can demolish 1 skin and leave the other or is there a smarter, simpler way to do this?

There really is no other way, other than modeling the existing wall as two separate walls, split so that they are separated where one is demoed and one one remains. You need to place the window openings in the wall that is appropriate. to what happens with them. If they are being demoed, or replaced, then place then in the wall to remain, so that you can act on them independently, as an example.

Mike Sealander
2009-04-22, 11:55 AM
There is a way.
Try this: build a wall with several layers, like brick and metal studs, in existing phase.
In order to demolish some brick, build a new brick wall (the brick you want to demolish in the first wall) and have it overlap the brick you want to demolish. You will get a "Walls overlap" error. Use the Join tool to join the two existing walls. Now, pick the brick-only wall and set it to Demolish in the New Construction phase. As if by magic, the brick will disappear, leaving the metal studs and whatever brick you did not demolish in your original wall.

2009-04-23, 02:47 AM
Thanks Mike, thats exactly what i was looking for.