1 Attachment(s)
CP33-1: Automating Boring Mundane Tasks Using WindowsScriptHost
Instructor: Gordon Price - albedoConsultin
Class Description: A continuation of last year's WSH class; this time around we focus more on AutoCAD-specific administration and WSH-based AutoCAD automation, culminating in a script that builds an entire set of architectural base files, cross-xrefed, layer-controlled, and ready to use. Don't let the architectural reference deter you, these scripts can be adapted for use by anyone who finds themselves settings up projects the same way every time. And again, because we will be using VBScript, everything you learn can be applied to programming AutoCAD or MS Office in VBA, or even standalone applications in VB. This session is designed for CAD and IT managers who want to use WindowsScriptHost and VBScript to help install and manage AutoCAD and AutoCAD-based products, and who want to add functionality to help users manage projects and files. Users with an interest in customization who want another way to make the computer do more will also benefit from this session.