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CM13-1L: Networking A-to-Z: A Hands-On Lab
Instructors: Nate Bartley - Autodesk, Inc. and Jerry Milana; Roy Pereira (Assistant); Patrik Chartrand (Assistant)
Class Description: Prerequisite: In order to attend this class you need to have attended one of the Networking Autodesk Applications A to Z classes. In this hands-on lab, you will be paired in teams of two to experience firsthand the material presented in the Networking Autodesk Applications A to Z class. You will install, configure, and activate the Network License Manager. You will use the Deployment Wizard to install AutoCAD on a workstation. We will discus troubleshooting methods and how to avoid problems before they occur. You’ll also be able to apply the skills developed in this class with other Autodesk applications.