Tool Palettes Not Loading with AutoCAD
Hello all:
I'm having problems with Tool Palettes not always loading with AutoCAD. I have to manually load them. I've checked all the paths and everything seems to be okay, and it's generally okay once they have been re-loaded manually. I am running out of ideas, so if anybody has anything, I would appriciate it. Oh, I'm running AutoCAD 2005. Thanks all.
RE: Tool Palettes Not Loading with AutoCAD
Check out the following Technical Document on the Autodesk web site under the Knowledge Base section -
ID: TS82181 - Tool Palette does not display
Have a good one, Mike
RE: Tool Palettes Not Loading with AutoCAD
I believe I have been misunderstood. The Tool palettes are showing up, all but one of them. They are all located in the same place, but one just does not want to load. Any help would be appriciated.
RE: Tool Palettes Not Loading with AutoCAD
Please post the file(s) (.ATC / Images / etc) that make up this "missing" Tool Palette so we can take a look first-hand.
Have a good one, Mike