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Thread: Attribute Rotate then Reposition?

  1. #1
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    Default Attribute Rotate then Reposition?

    I am trying to find a lisp that will rotate a single attribute to 0 degrees then be able to reposition it?

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: Attribute Rotate then Reposition?

    I use this routine as a replacement for the Rotate command:
     ;;; Change Entinty Direction
    ;;; acad.lsp: (autoload "ENT_DIR" '("ED"))
    (defun C:ED (/ ss en pt e1 ed ha nol nha edb ed1 count la ofa os osa ang)
      (setq oldab (getvar "angbase"))
      (setvar "angbase" 0)
      (setq ss (ssget "I"))
      (if (= ss nil)(setq en (entsel "\nPick Entity or Press Enter to Select objects: ")))
      (if en
        (setq pt (cadr en)    ;pick coordinates
              e1 (car en)     ;entinty name
              ed (entget e1)  ;entinty list
       ((= "HATCH" (cdadr ed))
        (setq  ha (cdr(assoc 52 ed))                             ;existing hatch angle
              nol (cdr(assoc 78 ed))                             ;# of pat lines
              nha (getangle "Pick Hatch Direction")              ;new hatch angle
               ed (subst(cons 52 nha)(assoc 52 ed)ed)            ;subst new hatch angle
              edb (list(car ed))                                 ;entinty list beg
              ed1 (cdr ed)                                       ;working entinty list
            count 0
    ;edb = entinty list up to pattern lines
        (while(/= 53 (caar ed1))
          (setq edb (append edb (list(car ed1)))
                ed1 (cdr ed1)
        (repeat nol
          (setq la (assoc 53 ed1)                                ;existing pat line angle
                la (list(cons 53 (+ (- nha ha)(cdr la))))        ;new pat line angle
               ed1 (member (assoc 53 ed1) ed1)                   ;working entinty list
                pt (list (cdr(assoc 43 ed1))(cdr(assoc 44 ed1))) ;existing pat line base point
               ofa (+ (- nha ha)(angle '(0 0) pt))               ;new offset angle
                pt (polar '(0 0) nha (distance '(0 0) pt))       ;new pat line base point
          (if (or(car pt)(cadr pt))
            (setq pt (polar '(0 0) ofa (distance '(0 0) pt))) ;new pat line base point
          (setq edb (append edb la)                               ;add new pat line angle
                edb (append edb (list(cons 43 (car pt))))         ;add pat line x
                edb (append edb (list(cons 44 (cadr pt))))        ;add pat line y
                 os (list (cdr(assoc 45 ed1))(cdr(assoc 46 ed1))) ;existing pat line offset
                osa (angle '(0 0) os)                             ;existing offset angle
                osa (+ (- nha ha) osa)                            ;new offset angle
                 os (polar '(0 0) osa (distance '(0 0) os))       ;new pat line offset
                edb (append edb (list(cons 45 (car os))))         ;add offset x
                edb (append edb (list(cons 46 (cadr os))))        ;add offset y
                ed2 (member (assoc 79 ed1)ed1)
                ed1 (cdr ed1)
              count (+ 1 count)
          (if(/= count nol)
            (while(/= 53 (caar ed2))
              (setq ed3 (list(car ed2))
                    ed2 (cdr ed2)
                    edb (append edb ed3)
        (setq ed2 (cdr(member(assoc 46 ed1)ed1)))
        (setq edb (append edb ed2))
       (setq ed edb)
       (entmod ed)
       (entupd e1)
       ((= "DIMENSION" (cdadr ed))
        (setq pt (list (cadr(assoc 11 ed)) (caddr(assoc 11 ed)))
              ed (subst(cons 53 (getangle pt "Pick Text Angle"))(assoc 53 ed)ed))
       (entmod ed)
       ((or(= "TEXT" (cdadr ed))(= "MTEXT" (cdadr ed)))
         (setq ang (angtos (cdr (assoc 50 ed))0 3))
         (prompt (strcat "\nCurrent Angle is <" ang "> "))
         (if(or(= "MTEXT" (cdadr ed))(=(+(cdr(assoc 72 ed))(cdr(assoc 73 ed)))0))
           (setq pt (list (cadr(assoc 10 ed)) (caddr(assoc 10 ed))))
           (setq pt (list (cadr(assoc 11 ed)) (caddr(assoc 11 ed))))
         (setq ed (subst(cons 50 (getangle pt "\nPick or Enter new angle or Enter to pick two points for direction..."))
                        (assoc 50 ed)ed))
         (if(=(cdr(assoc 50 ed))nil)
           (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick two points for direction...")
                 ed (subst(cons 50 (getangle pt "\nPick new direction..."))
                        (assoc 50 ed)ed))
       (entmod ed)
       ((= "INSERT" (cdadr ed))
        (setq en1 (nentselp "go get it" pt)) 
        (setq e1 (car en1))  ;entinty name
        (setq ed (entget e1)) ;entinty list
        (if(/= "ATTRIB" (cdadr ed))
            (setq ed (entget (car en))
                 ang (angtos (cdr (assoc 50 ed))0 3)
                  pt (list (cadr(assoc 10 ed)) (caddr(assoc 10 ed)))
            ); setq
            (prompt (strcat "\nCurrent Angle is <" ang "> "))
            (setq ed(subst(cons 50 (getangle pt "Pick or Enter Block new Angle..."))
                          (assoc 50 ed)ed))
            (setq ang (angtos (cdr (assoc 50 ed))0 3)
                   pt (list (cadr(assoc 10 ed)) (caddr(assoc 10 ed)))
            ); setq
            (prompt (strcat "\nCurrent Angle is <" ang "> "))
            (setq ed(subst(cons 50 (getangle pt "Pick or Enter new Attribute Angle..."))
                          (assoc 50 ed)ed))
       (entmod ed)
       (entupd e1)
       (en(command "_rotate" en))
       (t(command "_rotate"))
      (setvar "angbase" oldab)
      (setq ss nil)
    You could move it afterwards using its grip.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Attribute Rotate then Reposition?

    Last edited by alanjt; 2012-04-23 at 01:41 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Attribute Rotate then Reposition?

    Last edited by alanjt; 2012-03-11 at 04:09 PM.

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