Summary: On 2D objects, the same functionality of hot grips (or grips on 3D objects) without the need to make grip hot.
Description: I wish that 2D (such as lines, plines, arcs, etc...) had the ability to act like 3D-solids, when you Ctrl+Click a vertex (get a grip @ MidPoint of Vector), except my wish is that this grip show up along with the standard grips (No Need to Ctrl+Click). When you do, you would get a grip in the middle of the vertex that allows you to stretch (move that vertex, without having to Shift+Click the Other (2).
How Used: It would increase productivity of grip edits by possibly 200%+ when grip-stretching an entity.
Feature Affinity: Grips
Submitted By: Ricky Riggs on November 12, 2008