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Thread: Survey Points have Different Coordinates than FBK File

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Survey Points have Different Coordinates than FBK File

    OK so I have a FBK file that I pull into Civil 3D 2010. it comes in and everythig looks fine that is until I list the point and review the coordinates. I am working on a local coordinate base and have established control points. When I compare the point brought in through survey it is 3.7' west and 0.7' south of the established coordinate.

    Drawing Settings are set to No Datum No Projection
    Importing from a Trimble FBK file exported from Trimble Geomatics Office (v1.63)
    Civil 3d 2010
    Vista x64 8GB ram

    I have started a new drawing and Survey Database and tried to import a CSV file of the same points and get the same result.

    does any one have any ideas???

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time brian.hailey933139's Avatar
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    Default Re: Survey Points have Different Coordinates than FBK File


    Can you post up a sample file of a few of the points that you are seeing the issue with? Also, how are you bringing them in? Via the import survey data command or the same way it was done in 2009? Do you have a coordinate system assigned to the survey database? To the drawing? Perhaps somewhere in your data collector?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Survey Points have Different Coordinates than FBK File

    I am using the Import Survey Data command in 2010. As for the coordinate System I am using NO projection in Civil 3D. As for the Survey Data it is on a Local Coordinate base. I was speaking with another college and we came up with this. Looks like it is a Units Issue.


    Okay here is how I got the drawing points to be the same as the points in the survey database and the points in your files.

    I looked at the fbk file and it was set to “FOOT”

    SEE IMAGE Survey 1.JPG

    Then I went into the survey database settings

    SEE IMAGE Survey 2.JPG

    And set the distance units to International foot

    SEE IMAGE Survey 3.JPG

    Then went into the drawing settings and set that to international foot as well:

    SEE IMAGE Survey 4.JPG

    And then the coordinates in the fbk file, the survey database and the drawing points are all the same.

    Now what you may really want is US Survey foot and I would imagine you could do that as long as your fbk was set to those units. I’m not sure how you do that in your data collector but that is where you would have to do it.


    I was able to get teh same results by setting the survey database to the same units as the drawing. and then deleting all the points from the survey database and re-importing them to get it to work in U.S. Survey Feet
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Survey Points have Different Coordinates than FBK File

    I just found out that you can change the FOOT to USFOOT in the header of the FBK file to change the units before import. Just make sure the FBK and the drawing units match before import.

    Thanks for the Help

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