Is there a place in the project I can go to manage families with in a project...say if I want to delete one that has been loaded??
Is there a place in the project I can go to manage families with in a project...say if I want to delete one that has been loaded??
You can go to the browser and near the bottom there are families and you can delete them from there. Also you can "purge unused" from the file menu, but that will delete lots of things that you may not want deleted.
John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.
Yes, scroll down to the bottom of your Project Browser, and expand the Family section. There you'll find all of your families, in their categories.
From there you can place a family, select all instances, edit its parameters, or delete a whole family or just individual family types. Right-click on a family or type to see your options.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Everyone!! Definitely something I needed to know!!