What a great tool, when it works. I am trying to do some feature overlays to analize and calculate land cover and soil relationships for stormwater management. I am having trouble. Here is what I am trying to do.
I have land cover polygons from a shp file. This land cover does not include impervious surfaces, just the gross approximation of land cover type (agriculture, medium desnity residential, Highway corridor, etc). I also have in seprate shp files, the imperviious surfaces (roads, parking lots, buildings, and sidewalks and driveways) I am trying to merge them all into 1 file, so I can overlay that with the soils, then I can get the land cover, and the soil.
So I have tried all the overlay types and with each variety of source and overlay, with no good results.
Here is what happens:
I either get no objects at all, or all of the buidling and roads that fall completely within one geometry of the land cover layer get ignored. Is there an option variable I can change to do this, or is this a flaw that may soon be fixed with a hotfix or update?