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Thread: Detail Component / Filled Region

  1. #1
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    Default Detail Component / Filled Region

    Ok, in 2009 everything worked fine. Since we updated 2010, any and all filled regions (detail component) within my plumbing valves won't appear in the the project. Even the valves that come with Revit, such as the butterfly valve. The round circle in the middle should be filled with a solid region but it all you see is a circle and no fill.

    I have tried everything I know but nothing works. In the family, I can see the filled region and it adjusts with the constraints appropriately but still won't appear. I have even tried starting from scratch and still nothing. The one quirky thing I did find was if I was if I changed the visibility settings of the detailed component to show in "Fine", it appears in Fine but won't appear in Medium or Coarse. Also, if I change the element properties and uncheck "Use Annotation Scale", the filled region appears. I have tried applying different view templates, different project templates, VG settings, etc.

    So after exhausting ever imaginable option, I decided to post. I need help!!!!!!!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Detail Component / Filled Region

    Did you find an answer to this one?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Detail Component / Filled Region

    post an example family that you are having trouble with.

    if it appears in Fine, but not in the Coarse or Medium, it sounds like the filled region visibility settings are set that way. Select the filled region in the family, then select visibility settings. This tells the region when to appear based on the visibility setting of the view.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Detail Component / Filled Region

    I am suffering the same pain..
    It seems that if the category is "Pipe Accessories", the filled region doesn't show on plan.

    Any suggestions?

  5. #5
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Detail Component / Filled Region

    This is still an thing in 2024! I started with an OOTB globe valve (pipe accessory) that had a nested detail item that was a filled region and it will not show up no matter the LOD. I then created a filled region in the actual valve family and that filled region only shows up in Fine Detail even though the visibility settings show all LOD are checked for the filled region. There's got to be a way! I hesitate to use a generic annotation because when it scales it covers up other appurtenances that may be connected to it. If anyone has any updates or workarounds, please share. Thank you!

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