Anyone have success with the DocumentSaved and DocumentSavedAs Events?

Even though I only read and don't write to the file (in fact my test does nothing) and though I Cancel the IExternalApplication.Result, Revit still thinks the document changed. So even though I click the save button and then the very next click is to close the rvt file, I get a message asking to save the document. I think the deprecated OnDocumentSaved and OnDocumentSavedAs do the same. I can't have users spend 10 minutes saving a large file only to be asked to do it again. Any work arounds?

Here is my VB code that produces this issue. Is there anything wrong with it?

Imports Autodesk.Revit
Imports Autodesk.Revit.Events

Public Class StartupClass
Implements IExternalApplication

Public Function OnStartup(ByVal app As ControlledApplication) As IExternalApplication.Result Implements IExternalApplication.OnStartup
AddHandler app.DocumentSaved, AddressOf SavedHandler
AddHandler app.DocumentSavedAs, AddressOf SavedAsHandler
Return IExternalApplication.Result.Cancelled
End Function

Public Function OnShutdown(ByVal app As ControlledApplication) As IExternalApplication.Result Implements IExternalApplication.OnShutdown
RemoveHandler app.DocumentSaved, AddressOf SavedHandler
RemoveHandler app.DocumentSavedAs, AddressOf SavedAsHandler
Return IExternalApplication.Result.Cancelled
End Function

Private Sub SavedHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Autodesk.Revit.Events.DocumentSavedEventArgs)
End Sub

Private Sub SavedAsHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Autodesk.Revit.Events.DocumentSavedAsEventArgs)
End Sub

End Class