I have this problem with only some of my families. I've attached screen shots showing what happens. In the first shots, there are 2 different families, each with a section of vertical pipe connected in. There are no problems at this point. When I continue the pipe run, in the horizontal plane, the family on the right rotates 90° about the x axis. It actually looks like it rotates 180° about the y axis, 90° about the x, and the connector is offset from where it should be.
The issue only happens in 2009. When I open the exact same family in 2010, the family does not rotate when the horizontal pipe is drawn. Our reseller has contacted Autodesk. They said this is a bug and we may just have to release our content (we're a manufacturer) in 2010. This is difficult for me to accept, as I think many of our customers are using 2009.
I've tried to make very simple families, like a simple vertical extrusion with a connector on the bottom. I get the same result. I can't understand why my family on the left does not act this way, but the one on the right does. Without knowing what triggers this issue, I can't find a work around. Any advice? Thanks for your help.