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Thread: Lisp routine to show visibilty splays

  1. #11
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default Re: Lisp routine to show visibilty splays

    Slightly different but can me altered to suit sight distance it uses a block for the car with wheelbase of 3.05, you could make it draw lines from the two points.

    ; veh driveway check draws multiple cars along a pline.
    (Defun draw_vehicle ( )
    (setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
    (SETVAR "ANGBASE" 0.0)
    (setvar "osmode" 0)
    (if (tblsearch "Block" "Holden")
    (princ "Holden")
    (command "Insert" "p:\\Autodesk\\vba\\holdencar.dwg" "0,0" 1 1 0)
    (command "erase" "last" "")
    ) ; progn
    (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick Pline"))))
    (setq interval ( getreal "\nEnter spacing m:")) ; use say 0.5m for numerous checks
    (setq cRad 3.05)
    (setq startang (* pi 1.5))
    (setq endang (/ pi 2.0))
    (setq dist 0.0)
    (setq len (vla-get-length obj))
    (setq stpt (vlax-curve-getpointatdist obj interval))
    (setq num (+ 1 (fix ( / len interval))))
    (repeat num
    (command "arc" "C" stpt (polar stpt endang crad)(polar stpt startang crad))
    (setq objarc (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
    (if (= (setq intpt (vlax-invoke obj 'intersectWith objarc acExtendnone)) nil)
    (setq intpt (vlax-invoke obj 'intersectWith objarc acExtendThisEntity)) ; needed at start
    (vla-delete objarc)
    (setq ang (angle intpt stpt))
    (command "Insert" "Holden" stpt 1 1 ang) ; need ang in radians
    (setq stpt (vlax-curve-getpointatdist obj (setq dist (+ dist interval))))
    ) ; repeat
    (SETVAR "LUNITS" lunitss)
    (SETVAR "ANGBASE" angbasee)
    (SETVAR "ANGDIR" angdirr)
    (SETVAR "LUPREC" luprecc)
    (SETVAR "AUNITS" aunitss)
    (SETVAR "AUPREC" auprecc)
    ) ; defun

  2. #12
    Woo! Hoo! my 1st post
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    Default Re: Lisp routine to show visibilty splays


    this is very useful.
    I don't know a lot of lisp; maybe some day I'll have more time for learning about lisps.
    I'm looking for change of you lisp but I don't know how to do that.
    I would like to add one more condition and that is longitudinal slope.
    For expamle; if longitudinal slope is +4% use: ldat '((20 . 15.5)(30 . 26.5)(40 . 40.0)(50 . 55.0)(60 . 72.0)(70 . 95.0)(80 . 121.0)(90 . 151.0)(100 . 187.0))
    if longitudinal slope is -4% use another values and so on - I have 7 different longitudinal slopes.
    I tried with cond but my knowledge is not good.
    Could you help me about this?

    Best regards

  3. #13
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Lisp routine to show visibilty splays

    Try for example to change this part in the lisp
      ldat '((20 . 15.5)(30 . 26.5)(40 . 40.0)(50 . 55.0)(60 . 72.0)(70 . 95.0)(80 . 121.0)(90 . 151.0)(100 . 187.0))
      vlaobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname js 0))
      perim_obj (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam vlaobj (vlax-curve-getEndParam vlaobj))
      pt_start (vlax-curve-getStartPoint vlaobj)
      pt_end (vlax-curve-getEndPoint vlaobj)
      d_x 0.0
      lst_pt nil
      pt_last nil
      env_mask (list pt_end)
      inc perim_obj
    by this, by adjusting the parameters and your lists to your desire.
     (initget "NEigth NFour NTwo Zero PTwo PFour PEigth") ;Ajust the key with your desired slope
     (setq slp (getkword "\nChoose slope [NEigth/NFour/NTwo/Zero/PTwo/PFour/PEeigth]? <Zero>: ")) ; And here also
     (if (not slp) (setq slp "Zero"))
        ((eq slp "NEigth")
         ;replace this line with your list
        ((eq slp "NFour")
         ;replace this line with your list
        ((eq slp "NTwo")
         ;replace this line with your list
        ((eq slp "Zero")
         ;replace this line with your list
        ((eq slp "PTwo")
         ;replace this line with your list
        ((eq slp "PFour")
         '((20 . 15.5)(30 . 26.5)(40 . 40.0)(50 . 55.0)(60 . 72.0)(70 . 95.0)(80 . 121.0)(90 . 151.0)(100 . 187.0))
        ((eq slp "PEigth")
         ;replace this line with your list
      vlaobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname js 0))
      perim_obj (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam vlaobj (vlax-curve-getEndParam vlaobj))
      pt_start (vlax-curve-getStartPoint vlaobj)
      pt_end (vlax-curve-getEndPoint vlaobj)
      d_x 0.0
      lst_pt nil
      pt_last nil
      env_mask (list pt_end)
      inc perim_obj
    Last edited by Bruno.Valsecchi; 2022-05-06 at 07:25 AM.

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