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Thread: Work sharing Process between two users. Advice?

  1. #1
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    Default Work sharing Process between two users. Advice?

    Hi all,

    As a student I am beginning a project which I will be working with another group member and would like to be able to use a central file to maximize our production. I understand how a central file can exist on a server at most offices, however we do not have access to one. Being on separate computers I am looking for any ideas of ways to create a central file that each of us can access. I have read posts about VPNs, and a remote desktop solution is not available. One though would be about an online server, has any one had experience with this? Or creating a network between the two computers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict Dimitri Harvalias's Avatar
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    Default Re: Work sharing Process between two users. Advice?

    Welcome to forums Mike,
    An online network configuration might be problematic because of latency issues. The files need to be in constant contact with eachother.
    You could create a simple ad hoc wireless network or hard wire a connection between the two computers. All that's required is that both computers can communicate. The central file can be on either computer and each user would create a local file

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Work sharing Process between two users. Advice?


    I have just read this post and would like to know if this would apply if one user was using a PC andd the other an iMac with Parallels?

    We are working on a project that will be split between two people and we would like the PC to hold the central file. Does anyone have any guidance for this?

    I am having trouble with creating a path that will allow the two computers to communicate in order to share the central file correctly.

    Look forward to any advice anyone may have!


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Work sharing Process between two users. Advice?

    Hi there,

    I am wondering if this is possible with Dropbox or any kind of file hosting cloud services?

    Any ideas or experiences?

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