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Thread: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

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    Default Converting .shx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    So, our office has a few stations up and running in AutoCAD 2010 and REVIT 2010 software. It is my understanding that both of these programs recognize Truetype fonts only.

    Now, our office has used Monoarch.shx forever, and it is my undeerstanding that this was a font that came through with autocadd many realeases ago, andI’m sure many users have and had this as an office standard font.

    What we would like to find is a TT Font that equates to this .shx font, so that we can use this TT Font in both ACAD 2010 and REVIT.

    Now, we have tried converting the .shx font through a downloaded converter, and were unable to load the converted file into Autocadd without errors.

    In the end, we really do not want to lose the visual look of Monoarch, as our drawings have been using this as a standard for years, and most of our opporating systems are still using this .shtx font on current projects, on an older release of ACAD. So moving forward, we would like to make the total switch to TT Font now, and never have to look back (haha), and hope that drawings produced from both the current and older software have reasonably similar visual qualities.

    Any help and/or information would be much appreciated, thank you in advance!

    Last edited by ablaydon; 2010-02-23 at 07:29 PM. Reason: .shx fonts not .shtx (typo)

  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    These guys might be able to help
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    Quote Originally Posted by ablaydon View Post
    So, our office has a few stations up and running in AutoCAD 2010 and REVIT 2010 software. It is my understanding that both of these programs recognize Truetype fonts only.
    AutoCAD-Architecture definitely recognizes SHX fonts still - I don't have a working copy of plain vanilla acad to confirm that they didn't take that function out, but I would be very surprised.

    Revit Architecture 2010 on my machine is not recognizing SHX, but it appears to be happy with TTF and OTF, which is great, since the Desktop Publishing workld seems to be moving away from TTF in favor of OTF.

  4. #4
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    Quote Originally Posted by c.prettyman View Post
    AutoCAD-Architecture definitely recognizes SHX fonts still - I don't have a working copy of plain vanilla acad to confirm that they didn't take that function out, but I would be very surprised.
    Vanilla 2010 certainly does support shx fonts.

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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    Thank you guys!

    Hmm... ok, I guess we will try a different .Shx file then... I will have to work with my IT guru...

    Revit 2010 still leaves us then with the issue, as of right now, half of our pages are in revit, and half will be produced in ACAD... back to the conversion train...

    It's just so much easier to continue through with monoarch in some form as management in the office already is used to seeing that, and it just makes things much easier if we do not change font styles.

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    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    Quote Originally Posted by ablaydon View Post
    Thank you guys!

    Hmm... ok, I guess we will try a different .Shx file then... I will have to work with my IT guru...

    Revit 2010 still leaves us then with the issue, as of right now, half of our pages are in revit, and half will be produced in ACAD... back to the conversion train...

    It's just so much easier to continue through with monoarch in some form as management in the office already is used to seeing that, and it just makes things much easier if we do not change font styles.
    If your company plans on continuing to operate this way in the foreseeable future, you may want to just set up our AutoCAD standards to use "TTF" instead of "SHX", that way they will at least match the REVIT work.

    Just a suggestion.

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    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    I would be leery of keeping going into the future with an older, non-typical font, whether it's custom or just no longer being shipped with the product. Older fonts are not likely to be unicode compliant, and will cause compatibility problems moving forward.

    You're going to have to bite the bullet and change at some point, so it's going to be cheaper to do it now in parallel with the revit deployment, than later after things are half and half all over.

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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    Thanks everyone... we ended up finding a TT Font that is similar enough that it can fool most... The only thing we need to do now is make it the standard in ACAD 2010 and we're rolling...

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    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    To satisfy my inveterate curiosity,, which TTF did you elect to go with?

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    Default Re: Converting .shtx fonts to TrueType for 2010 ACAD and Revit

    One called Architxt_Narrow.TTF

    It is incredibly similar to our old monoarch.txt With the exception of a little tick at the top of the numeral one, and the capitol i's having the top and bottom strokes, but these were deamed to be acceptable when the rest of the font was so close.

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