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Thread: 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

  1. #1
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    Default 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

    When I go to create a beam system, it automatically defaults the "Tag Style" to be by System. The pulldown for the Tag Style is grayed out. In 2010 I could change it to tag each member individually, did they take that option away?

    I dont want to have to do tag-all not tagged for all my beams. Thats like 3 whole extra clicks...

    Okay, and I just loaded a beam system tag OTB, and it doesnt even tag my beam system anyway... hmmm... Help!

  2. #2
    Active Member TheViking's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

    Is the Tag on Placement button on the ribbon enabled? This is a toggle button that turns on/off the tagging feature.


  3. #3
    Revit Technical Specialist - Autodesk Scott D Davis's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

    in 2011, you can remove the Beam System (or the truss system if you are building a truss). This makes the truss individual elements rather than a sytstem. Then you can tag the individual elements.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

    Snellem, I missed the Tag on placement button. Thanks for the heads up on that one!

    When I click that then it gives me the warning "Do you want to load a structural beam system tag" warning. So I HAVE to have a beam system tag loaded, cuz it wants to default to Tag Style: System the first time. Boo.

    Now I wonder if there is a way to change the Tag Style to default to Framing instead of System so I can set that up for everyone when we deploy it to the whole department?

    Don't see anything for it in the Revit.ini... I guess I'll give in and load the beam system tag in our template, heck, maybe I'll even use it!

  5. #5
    Active Member TheViking's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2011 Beam system, tag each member bug?

    Quote Originally Posted by butlerre View Post
    Now I wonder if there is a way to change the Tag Style to default to Framing instead of System so I can set that up for everyone when we deploy it to the whole department?

    Don't see anything for it in the Revit.ini... I guess I'll give in and load the beam system tag in our template, heck, maybe I'll even use it!
    This is a saved setting of the template. In your companies default template start the beam system tool set the option bar and properties they way you would like and place an instance. This should be saved as the defaults for the next system. Don't forget there are 2 placement methods for beam system.

    This should work for all structural elements.


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