I'm not sure exactly where to put this, I apologize if it is in the wrong place.
We have FTP space & a barely mediocre management system through our web host that until recently was enough for our needs. However, as we use it more and more management is becoming an issue - keeping track of passwords, accounts, projects and so on. Can anyone recommend or point me in the direction of some good ways to manage the whole mess? I can find my way around an FTP client with no real issues, but setting permissions and re-organizing everything through the web host webUI is tedious at best. I SERIOUSLY doubt I can convince my boss to spring for additional software or hosting options.
Our in-office network is very basic. Modem, Router/Firewall, Switch - everything is hooked into the switch and then out to the world through the router. Our "server" is one Win-XP machine. No domains or Windows Server software or anything like that (again - cheap boss is cheap.) I am as close to an IT department as we get, and I am not comfortable trying to convert our server to Linux / Unix, mostly due to lack of knowledge on how it works. I am not opposed however to running some sort of FTP server package off our network - but I don't know how to set it up so clients can connect in and still have everything secured internally (don't want lookey-loos.)
Anything that could help is appreciated.