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Thread: Lighting load calcs watts per square foot

  1. #1
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    Post Lighting load calcs watts per square foot

    The firm I am with has been working on a project and we got it all drafted up in revit. My problem is I wanted to do all the lighting calculations(photometrics, w/sf, etc), but can't seem to get the "space" to recognize the fixtures in it. Right now all I want is the w/sf so that I can do my comchecks with out going to pencil/paper. *lazy*

    Currently I have a space setup and it says all that jazz under my instance props Electrical - lighting, but there isn't lumens or anything. And as for electrical loads in the room it is all at 0 w/sf and 0VA. (see attached) Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm stumped and am fearful of going to ask our Reviteer here in the office for fear of catching his cold...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Lighting load calcs watts per square foot

    Cut a section through one of the rooms. Turn on spaces in the room with Space Shading turned on as well. The space has to touch the lighting fixture in order for the space to read the "Actual" values coming from the lighting fixture.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Lighting load calcs watts per square foot

    Better make sure the lighting families are up to snuff also. There's some **** available for download out there that doesn't link the apparent load parameter to the electrical connector itself. If the electrical connector doesn't have the load assigned to it, and it isn't designated as Lighting, the space won't read it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Lighting load calcs watts per square foot

    Thanks both. The spaces we received in the model didn't extend all the way up to the ceiling. Kalimazoop was right on the money!

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