Hi all

I am working on a lisp which draws some entities (collection of lines and arcs which are connected end to end and with same z value) and then performs fillet on them.

I searched on internet and came to know that fillet does not work by providing entity names, instead we should provide information in the form returned by (entsel) function. Now I have drawn entities in the drawing and if I prompt user to select the entities by calling entget the prupose of creating an automation routine fails. I want to some how create list of the same form which is returned by (entsel), so that I can pass such lists to fillet for each pair of entities that I want to fillet. I am having problem about creating such list. Can we create such a list (entityname pt).

If above is not possible is their some other way to make the fillet command work. If I call it by just providing entity names such as

(command "_fillet" "r" rad_val "_fillet" ent1 ent2 "")


(command "fillet" "r" rad_val ent1 ent2)

it behavior is unpredictable.

Any cool help will be deeply appreciated.