Hi every one
I have not edited a STI, STL or an IGES file before using Inventor 2009 Pro. What file would give me the best results? I have a client that uses SW and would like me to make some changes to the model.
Hi every one
I have not edited a STI, STL or an IGES file before using Inventor 2009 Pro. What file would give me the best results? I have a client that uses SW and would like me to make some changes to the model.
Last edited by burninin1; 2010-07-06 at 09:06 PM.
Your best bet is probably STEP (*.stp) from SWx. I can't remember if 2009 will open Parasolid. Later versions of Inventor will read SWx files directly.
You might want to download free Feature Recognition add-in from http://labs.autodesk.com
If IGES ask the SWx operator to set Options to Solid output rather than surfaces (most don't know that this is an option.
If the SWx operator doesn't know what they are doing (my guess is about 90% of all CAD users of any CAD program do not) you might need to do some repair work - see http://au.autodesk.com/?nd=class&session_id=3056
STL are heavily faceted surface of little use in an engineering program.
I don't know what an STI file is, so forget that option.
Thanks JD
You come through like always.
Um...... I cant seem to launch the recognition program. I watched the video and I don't have the drop down in the panel? I have a STEP, IGS & STL. I import the IGS and I cant fig. out how to edit it. I cant open any other.
Also when I have nothing open in Inventor I clicked on Tool..Add-in I noticed that there are translator: STEP,STL, SAT and a solidworks. I checked the box for load/unload & Load on startup. will this help?
Last edited by burninin1; 2010-07-08 at 04:09 AM.
I guess Inventor 09 pro will not open IGS assemblies. Or am I doing something wrong?
Last edited by burninin1; 2010-07-11 at 04:35 PM.