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Thread: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

  1. #1
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    Question Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    In Revit MEP 2010, I'm making a schedule for Mechanical / Electrical coordination and I'm having some trouble with the parameter "Panel". I understand that once I power a peice of mechanical equipment the parameter "Panel" will show what panel I chose to power it from. However there is this one family in the project that even when I power up the Mechanical Equipment the space in my schedule still stays blank. If i find the peice of mecahnical equipment in the floor plan and check out it's instance properties the Electrical - Load parameters of "Panel" and "Circuit Number" are blank. But if I click on the equipment and go to the green "electrical circuit" button and look at the same exact parameters they are filled in for "Panel" and "Circuit Number". Does anyone know why this data will show up in one place and not the other??? There must be something that is not shared within the family and the parameters of Panel and Circuit number are not in these families they seem to be parameters that exist in the Revit Universe.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    Sounds like there might be a problem with the way the parameters are pathed inside the mechanical equipment family.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    You'll only get these parameters populated by the "primary" electrical connector on a family. Make sure that the connector you are connecting to is currently the primary one, or the parameters will be blank.


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    Smile Re: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    Jason, you got it! Many thanks, and many saved headaches from my reviewer.

    There was a controls connector in the family. As soon as I removed it the data started showing up in the schedules. =)

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    Quote Originally Posted by cyriousn View Post
    Jason, you got it! Many thanks, and many saved headaches from my reviewer.

    There was a controls connector in the family. As soon as I removed it the data started showing up in the schedules. =)
    Ugh. That doesn't sound like a solution to me. What if you need the controls connector?
    R. Robert Bell
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    Default Re: Motor Circuit Schedule / Panel and Circuit Number

    Quote Originally Posted by jason.martin View Post
    You'll only get these parameters populated by the "primary" electrical connector on a family. Make sure that the connector you are connecting to is currently the primary one, or the parameters will be blank.

    Huge necro-bump, I know, but I may have found the cause. I work in Revit 2014, and I had a similar problem; I copied over mechanical equipment into my electrical model, then added or modified the electrical connectors and circuited. I was successful in that, but ended up with the same blank "Circuit Number" and "Panel" fields as the rest of you. Couldn't use a circuit tag, and my filters didn't register properly.

    The breakthrough was the third post in this thread, which said that the power connector has to be your main connector and to make sure any controls connectors are secondary. Well, according to Revit, the power connector was primary... but it occurred to me after reading Jason's post that perhaps there was something to the controls connector issue. So I added a controls connector, set it primary, reinserted, then reopened family, set primary back to the electrical connector, and reinserted one more time. Success!

    It looks to me like perhaps some of the OOTB Revit mechanical models (in this case, it was a VAV box) think they have a primary controls connector, even though they don't. So unless you actually create the connector, set it primary, then reset it to secondary, it never registers that it has a primary power connector, and never populates those all-important boxes.

    Hope this helps some of you!
    Last edited by Jmurphy; 2015-02-08 at 09:58 PM. Reason: removed link to this thread.

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