I have created a series of Pipe Fitting families that can reduce if need be - based on LookUpTables - and they all flex beautifully within the project and the family.
The issue I am experiencing right now has to do with inserting a fitting into an existing pipe within the project. This works for certain sized pipes but not for others.
I can successfully change the family's size in the project to all sizes allowed by the LookUpTable and create pipes out of the fitting.
For instance 1.
Nominal Diameter 1 and 2 in the Family are set to 1 1/2". I can insert it into pipes that are sized 1 1/2", 2" and 3". If I drop it on a 4" or 6", it cannot create the family.
For instance 2.
I go back to the family and change it's Nominal Sizes to 4" and in the project I can successfully insert this version into a 4" and 6", but NOT the 1 1/2", 2", and 3".
The Reducing families that come with Revit do not have this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ps - Please feel free to see the attached Fitting and LookUpTables (replace txt with csv).