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Thread: Volume calculations in structural foundation schedule

  1. #1
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    Default Volume calculations in structural foundation schedule

    Has anyone else ran into the volume calculations being wrong in a structural foundation schedule? I have thickness,width,length volume cf field in a schedule and checked all instances. I rounded the length to the nearest inch but for some reason even the foundations that have not been rounded at all will come up with the wrong cf in the volume field. example 1´-0" thickness 2´0 width 9´-0 length volume shows up 17 cf. Even down here in south GA that should be 18 cf

    Anyone else seen this?


  2. #2
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Volume calculations in structural foundation schedule

    Any other foundations intersecting the one in question? Could it be at a corner and another footing is taking the volume at the corner area? I have several strip footings in a project, and I checked several of them and the volume reports correctly. On the ones where it seems the volume is not reporting correctly, Revit is actually subtracting the volume of an intersecting isolated footing, or the adjacent footing at a corner (which footing goes to the corner is determined by the wall join condition).

    Trust the volume computation. I'm 99.9% sure it is correct.

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