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Thread: Problems were encountered with the building information model

  1. #1
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    Default Problems were encountered with the building information model

    I recieve this message when I try to upload an xml file.

    The errors are along the line of:

    1.Space id= sp-34-SP-G01UNISEX_BATHROOM has a negative or zero Area.
    2.Space id= sp-34-SP-G01UNISEX_BATHROOM has a negative or zero Volume.

    The files I am uploading however DO NOT HAVE THESE SPACES!
    I have tried various gbXML files exported from Revit and I get these same errors for each despite the fact that these spaces only exist for one of the buildings I tried.

    What is going on?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Problems were encountered with the building information model

    I had the same problem. The way I fixed it was to creat a new user for green GBS. I could not figure out how to remove the original one.

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