I've posted a similar question about this before where i said i got it working, but i have absolutely no idea how i did it before and the post didn't help.

I'm essentially trying to import raw keyframes into maya as a .mov file.

I'm running maya 09 on a macbook pro

I copied Trapcode Soundkey data from after effects into a text file. Something like this:

Adobe After Effects 8.0 Keyframe Data

Units Per Second 24
Source Width 1280
Source Height 720
Source Pixel Aspect Ratio 1
Comp Pixel Aspect Ratio 1

Effects Sound Keys #1 Output 1 #22
0 0.0476153
1 0.142151
2 0.248288
3 1.19383

End of Keyframe Data
I then stripped everything except the raw values leaving me with this:
I saved the file, closed text editor, found it in my finder, manually changed the ending from keys.rtf to keys.mov
thus allowing me to import it into maya.

i created a sphere
then imported my .mov file, with pSphere1.ty (so the keys would be added to the y translation of my sphere) in the attributes in import options. Then hit apply.

I know it recognizes there are keyframes as the ty attribute goes orange. But there is only 1 keyframe. There should be 4.

I later tried the same approach but just writing values in text edit (should you be able to do this as well). saving and importing the .mov. Still no luck.