I've been asked about this before. I couldn't find the thread, so here goes my solution:

;;; List of layers & their settings - this should be loaded from a DWT file instead
;;; These are just as example
;;; nth 0 = Upper Case version of layer name - so that assoc will work
;;; nth 1 = Normal layer name so it can be created using case as required
;;; nth 2 = Colour number of layer
;;; nth 3 = Linetype of layer
(setq *LayStd* '(("LAYER1" "Layer1" 1 "DASHED") ("LAYER2" "Layer2" 2 "Continuous")))

;;; Reactor callback to check if user's typed layer name as command
(defun R:CheckLayerCommand (ro ci / cmd lay nlay)
  ;; Replace underscores with spaces
  (setq cmd (vl-string-translate "_" " " (car ci)))

  (or *acad* (setq *acad* (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (or *doc* (setq *doc* (vla-get-ActiveDocument *acad*)))
  (or *layers* (setq *layers* (vla-get-Layers *doc*)))
    ;; Check if command is the name of an existing layer
    ((tblsearch "LAYER" (car ci))
     (setq lay (vla-Item *layers* (car ci)))
     (if (= (vla-get-LayerOn lay) :vlax-false)
       (vla-put-LayerOn lay :vlax-true)
     (if (= (vla-get-Freeze lay) :vlax-true)
       (vla-put-Freeze lay :vlax-false)
     (setvar "CLAYER" (vla-get-Name lay))
    ;; Check if command is the name of an existing layer with spaces instead of _
    ((tblsearch "LAYER" cmd)
     (setq lay (vla-Item *layers* cmd))
     (if (= (vla-get-LayerOn lay) :vlax-false)
       (vla-put-LayerOn lay :vlax-true)
     (if (= (vla-get-Freeze lay) :vlax-true)
       (vla-put-Freeze lay :vlax-false)
     (setvar "CLAYER" (vla-get-Name lay))
    ;; Check if command is the name of an standard layer
    ((setq lay (assoc (strcase (car ci)) *LayStd*))
     (setq nlay (vla-Add *layers* (nth 1 lay)))
     (vla-put-Color nlay (nth 2 lay))
     (vla-put-LineType nlay (nth 3 lay))
     (setvar "CLAYER" (vla-get-Name nlay))
    ;; Check if command is the name of an standard layer with spaces instead of _
    ((setq lay (assoc (strcase cmd) *LayStd*))
     (setq nlay (vla-Add *layers* (nth 1 lay)))
     (vla-put-Color nlay (nth 2 lay))
     (vla-put-LineType nlay (nth 3 lay))
     (setvar "CLAYER" (vla-get-Name nlay))

;; Clear reactors
(setq rlst (vlr-reactors))
(foreach item rlst
  (foreach ro (cdr item)
    (if (= "LayerCommand" (vlr-data ro))
      (vlr-remove ro)
(setq rlst nil item nil ro nil)

  (VLR-Command-Reactor "LayerCommand")