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Thread: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

  1. #1
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    Question Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    Hello every one. I have tried to model a ribbed slab using floor and beam system but the problem is in sections there is a border between beams and the floor. Can i make revit to not to show those borders?
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator david_peterson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    Simple answer is to make sure that you are using the same material for both the beam and the slab. If same material, they should join together. Not sure what family you used for the beams, but that the way it works for me.
    also if you want them to be a little more correct in the concrete beam style there is an option for "Taper" left and right side if you are using a pan-joist system.
    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    Quote Originally Posted by david_peterson View Post
    Simple answer is to make sure that you are using the same material for both the beam and the slab. If same material, they should join together. Not sure what family you used for the beams, but that the way it works for me.
    also if you want them to be a little more correct in the concrete beam style there is an option for "Taper" left and right side if you are using a pan-joist system.
    Hope that helps.
    I have used structural floor for the slab with only one layer of 5cm concrete.
    And rectangular beam with the same material for beam system.

    Aren't they supposed to join? >=|

    (In the second picture it is 21Mpa, it just don't fit in the cell)
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    They are supposed to join. Try another material or try to redraw the objects again. That is the only thing I can think of.

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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    Quote Originally Posted by Jmickledesign View Post
    They are supposed to join. Try another material or try to redraw the objects again. That is the only thing I can think of.
    Thanks Jmickle, but no way. They are not joining. Should I have used slab instead of floor? Maybe structural floors won't join beams..

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    If the materials are set the same and yet join wont hide the separation lines, try checking your beam family.
    Click on the beam itself and then select "edit family" and open that up to check it.

    Make sure it is a

    Under "Category and parameters"
    Structural Framing family
    Set structural material type as concrete
    Display in hidden views - hidden by other members (I think this will be your problem)
    show family pre-cut in plan (tick on)

    Then under "types"
    Check you have a parameter
    Beam Material
    If you don't, add new parameter
    "Beam Material" group it under materials and finishes and make it an instance parameter.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Ribbed Slab: Beam system borders inside slab

    Thanks karalon10,
    I changed the beam system family to a factory family and they finally joined to the floor.
    I did not find any difference between my family and the out of the box one. I only had removed the extrusion from course view mode and added some symbolic lines.
    I checked the instance properties and type properties of both families. also category and parameters of both family files, they were same. I considered the options you mentioned. Anyway I am going to use out of the box family..

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