Summary: Allow for globally setting the G_L length precision within Frame Generator for all parts created within Frane Generator. Currently must configure each part independant of each other.

Description: Frame Generator Option: Frame member length precision for BOM.

- Frame member lengths (e.g. 273.000 mm) are text values which the Parts List gets from the BOM which (for each individual frame member) gets them from the Custom iProperty G_L which is a text value. This 'G_L' is apparently generated by the frame generator. This G_L is taken from a parameter G_L which is the driven length of the frame member. We can see this text parameter only when we edit an individual frame member. G_L's precision can be changed by right clicking on it's Nominal Value cell and clicking on the Custom Property Format. A nice dialog box comes up. Changing the parameter's precision does indeed change the Custom G_L iProperty.
- Currently there is no way to globally change the precision.
- This is useful in parts lists with mixed frame members and other parts where the column can't be formated to accomodated both a unit quantity and a length.

How Used: Before starting to build a frame, I'd set the precision I'd like for the lengths to display in the BOM/Parts List.

Feature Affinity: Frame Generator

Submitted By: Geoffrey Wheeler on January 7, 2010