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Thread: blend profiles skew from path?

  1. #1
    100 Club
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    Question blend profiles skew from path?

    Hi all,

    I'm working on a roof based family for tapered insulation crickets and am starting to get very discouraged.

    I've attached a napkin sketch of what i'm trying to do. The middle portion of this very large cricket is simple. a blend attached to a few reference planes, no problem. The sides are becoming a much bigger hassle. It seems like the easiest solution would be to use another blend, or swept blend, but i have no control over the orientation of the profiles from the path.

    The second attached image shows where i have gotten so far. The only way I can get the first profile to "match" the adjacent angled face is to have the path dead end perpendicular to it. If the path is straight from left to right (which is correct for the geometry I'm trying to create) then the profiles are parallel.

    Am I missing something?? Is there a better method for creating this geometry? I'm getting very frustrated with the solid modeling tools, although I'm biased since I come from a SU background.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!
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  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Wink Re: blend profiles skew from path?

    You should be able to create the form with the basic modeling tools.

    However, this might also be accomplished by using a small individual roof and editing the points to establish the proper slopes and elevations?

    This could also be done with the new conceptual massing tools, but they may not really be the best or most appropriate toolset for small areas like this.

    Can you post the Revit file so we can take a look?

    just a thought or two.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: blend profiles skew from path?

    Thanks Cliff,

    Could you expand on how I might accomplish this with the basic modeling tools? That is where I'm really stuck.

    I've tried using a small roof, but with poor results. There is almost no control over the cricket slope, and there are conflicts between it and the real roof below. Joining it doesn't work because the bottom of the cricket "roof" has to be flat to activate the sub-element modeling controls, which either sticks below the sub roof or creates a void above it. Did I mention this was a very LARGE cricket?

    The massing tools are definitely not helpful in this case, sorry.

    I posted the preliminary file, but there really isn't much there yet. Hopefully it will be of some use to you.

    Thanks again for the help.
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