We are using Autocad LT 2011 & we have inserted a PDF as an underlay, but only the frame shows (no image). Fade is set to 0, contrast = 100 and show underlay shows on. Any suggestions?
We are using Autocad LT 2011 & we have inserted a PDF as an underlay, but only the frame shows (no image). Fade is set to 0, contrast = 100 and show underlay shows on. Any suggestions?
Check and reassign/reselect the full path in the reference palette: from your brief description, your AutoCAD seat cannot find the PDF.
Thanks, but no avail. The strange thing is on our Autocad machines everything works fine with all the same settings between Autocad and LT. I even created a drawing with the underlay and saved it with Autocad and then opened it up in LT (both are 2011 versions) and still could not see the underlay.
A shot in the dark, because I think this is saved in the drawing.....but have you tried adjusting the PDF layers?
R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |
Adjusting the draw order for the pdf underlay may solve this problem, that is bring the pdf to the front. This has worked for me before
there must be a system variable that is controlling whether or not the PDF is showing up.
a co-worker was trying to bring in a PDF underlay. it does not show up in the preview and when he brings it in, only the frame is visible. i tried on my computer. the image shows up in the preview and comes in fine. i saved the file and closed it. my co-worker then opened it up and once again the frame is visible but no image.
any ideas?
I'm having this same problem in my office. My computer (ACA 2011 - 64bit) other user's computer (ACA 2011 - 32bit).
My computer the PDF shows up just fine and plots just fine, other computer the PDF doesn't show up or plot.
It's a single layer PDF fully pathed, inserted on layer 0 with the frame set to 2.
Good (well, not really good); that finally confirms that it is not an LT issue but an acad issue.
By chance does your coworker also have that problem with other Raster images?
or with DWF? Does a solid fill also disappear in that file at the user's PC?